
Some Dark Magik (single) (2018)

To tide you over until the next EP, we bring you this FREE gift. It's a little poppy ditty about a couple so desperate to start things over, they decide to kill and resurrect each other in a dark Satanic ritual. This is a method heartily endorsed by the band (although we are not licensed couples therapists, nor practiced Wiccans).


released April 13, 2018 

Written and performed by Dalton Deschain & the Traveling Show 

Dalton Deschain: Vocals, Guitars 
Jo Kroger: Vocals, Synths 
Day Clancy: Vocals, Bass 
Phil Harris: Drums, Percussion 

Recorded at the Ice Plant and Kill Infinity Studios 
Engineered by Wayne Silver and Dalton Deschain 
Mixed and Mastered by Dalton Deschain at Kill Infinity Studios 

Album artwork by Day Clancy